“What other nation is so great as to have their gods
near them the way the Lord our God is near us
whenever we pray to him?” Deuteronomy 4:7
One of the habits we have a tendency to fall into is
the trap of comparison; basing the value of what
we have against the perceived value of something
else. The danger of this is that we often depreciate
the value of what we have because it doesn’t
resemble something that we think may be better. It
is sad how often we fail to truly appreciate all we
are blessed to have. We do this most commonly in
our relationship with God. Drawn in by the
attractiveness of the things of the world around us,
we sometimes don’t recognize all that we have in,
with and through our relationship with God. What
we have in God is better than anything this world
can offer us & we should train our thinking to never
lose track of that truth.
This week, make time to think of (and give God
praise for) every benefit of having your own
personal relationship with God. Make up your mind
to not allow any alternative to take your focus from
what you have in God. Nothing in this world can
compare to the peace, joy, power & blessings of
God in our lives. Living for God does have
benefits…remind yourself of them every chance
you get. Love you to life. Have a blessed week.
Pastor Holmes