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Daily Archives: January 14, 2025


“But the seed on good soil stands for those with a noble and good heart, who hear the word,

retain it, and by persevering produce a crop.”

- Luke 8:15

The decision we make to give our lives to Jesus Christ is more than just an affirmation of His

existence. Additionally, it is a choice to live our lives in a way that reflect our relationship with

Jesus. When we align our aliveness with God’s word, the result is fruit that God intends for us to

bear in the world. We exist to be examples of Jesus to all who encounter us & when we do we

impact our part of the world in transformational ways. Certainly, knowing Jesus is real has

meaning but what is the value of a Lord you are unwilling to live for?

This week, make time to reflect upon how closely your lifestyle aligns with what Jesus desires of

a disciple. Make up your mind to not settle for being bad seed. Seek God for the discipline &

commitment to to begin to live in deeper obedience to the Word of God. The best part of

choosing to be ‘good seed’ is that all God put inside of us comes out and produces that which

blesses us an others. Live by God’s word; choose to be good seed. Love you to life. Have a

blessed week.